Dolphins – the Symbol of a Clean Sea

Dolphins – the Symbol of a Clean Sea

Dolphins - the Symbol of a Clean Sea

The Cres-Lošinj waters are inhabited by a colony of common bottlenose dolphin, the symbol of a clean sea. The dolphin colony consists of 100 individuals.

DOLPHIN DAY is celebrated every year on July 1st and is an event which aims to collect funds to help protect these amazing animals. Educational programs as well as numerous lectures, exhibitions, workshops and sport competitions are organized.

Dolphins can be 4 m long and weigh over 300 kg. They are social mammals and like to spend their time with other members of their species. Dolphins are also very intelligent and humans have always felt kinship and empathy with them. It is not easy to look for them out on the sea. They spend most of their time under the surface of the sea and are impossible to locate. To increase the chance of finding them, one must search for them at an appropriate time. The surface of the sea must be as calm as possible, as waves can easily mask their dorsal fins. In fact, in most cases only the dorsal fin is visible. It is rare to see them jump out of the sea.
If you meet dolphins at sea, please respect the following rules: “Approach them slowly, in a position parallel to their direction. Avoid sudden movement, don’t change the speed of your approach and let them come to you. Turn off your engine and try not to make any noise. Stay with them for at most 30 minutes. Don’t approach dolphins with their young. Don’t swim with dolphins, feed them or touch them – for your own safety.”

By participating in the event “Adopt a Dolphin” you help protect the dolphins and the sea. You can adopt a dolphin for a year, and with the collected money the Blue World Institute is financed. In return, you will get a t-shirt, a certificate of adoption, photos of your dolphin and its biography, and the informational bulletin of Blue World – “Aquamarin”.